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Self-control is essential to keep your eyes glued on the results and not get derailed by momentary weakness. Willpower alone cannot make you stay in control. You need proper techniques to make you stop indulging in little crimes because one day these little sacrifices will sum up your extraordinary success.
-- Anonymous
I want to write down everyday expenses on a note.
-- Anonymous
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Keep going. Everything you need will come to you at the perfect time.
-- Anonymous
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You need to know things what others don’t know, It’s what no one knows about you that allows you to know yourself and to get your own priority.
-- Anonymous
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If you are PERSISTENT you will Get It. If you are CONSISTENT you will Keep it.
-- Anonymous
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It tells the importance of prioritization. I am firm believer of Pareto principle. Instead of investing our time and effort in all areas, we can simply focus our energy on the 20% which can instantly double our outcomes.
-- Anonymous
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