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Self-control is essential to keep your eyes glued on the results and not get derailed by momentary weakness. Willpower alone cannot make you stay in control. You need proper techniques to make you stop indulging in little crimes because one day these little sacrifices will sum up your extraordinary success.
-- Anonymous
Cigars, cigarettes, and hookah tobacco are all smoked tobacco – addictive and deadly. We need effective action to protect our kids from struggling with a lifelong addiction to nicotine.
-- Tom Frieden
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The future belongs to only those who would attain excellence in the field of their own choice. – Abhijit Naskar
-- Ayshu
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Anybody can sympathise with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathise with a friend’s success.
-- Oscar Wilde
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Anything that inspires addiction or obsession – substances, entertainment, beauty, secrecy – is dangerous in that it can lead to isolation, self-absorption, and disconnection, to paralyzed stasis: immobility that gathers like a force.
-- Greg Carlisle
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However, all my exercise routine turned dismal because of my lack of control over the food that I ate. It dawned on me that if I need to see results I need to control myself from foraying food each time like the one who didn’t eye it for weeks.
-- Vijayaraj
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