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You can also begin to follow your dreams by this simple strategy. Find your dream. Write down your goals that can make your dream come true. Divide your goal into mini actionable tasks. Start with the simplest of the task that you can’t refuse to do each day. Do it consistently. Make it as a habit.
-- Anonymous
Organize photo albums on a hard disk
-- Anonymous
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I have successfully built the exercise habit for the past 90 days. However, I am very inconsistent when it comes to what I eat. I easily indulge in binge eating and end up nullifying the effect I created via exercise. Unless I mind what I eat, I tend to remain the same.
-- Anonymous
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I’ve begun to realize that you can listen to silence and learn from it. It has a quality and a dimension all its own.
-- Chaim Potok
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The cost of failure is…learning.
-- Neil Strauss
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Whenever my mind is clogged with thoughts, I should begin to read motivating book. This immediately clears my mind and diverts it. I figured it out on my journal.
-- Anonymous
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