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Without habits, our brain will be overloaded with millions of decisions it has to make each day. Habits are activities we do subconsciously. Sometimes we don’t even know that we do certain things each day because it is ingrained in our mind so deeply. Our brains don’t wait for our conscious decision any more.
-- Anonymous
The unfortunate thing about this world is that good habits are so much easier to give up than bad ones.
-- Somerset Maugham
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The hard work definitely paid off and hard work always does.
-- Gabby Douglas
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So at present I am at 87th day of the overall challenge. Still, three days to finish off the rest of the workouts. I am very happy with the progress. Though I didn’t finish the goal completely I stick to it more than 80% of the time. That’s something.
-- Anonymous
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It is not failure itself that holds you back; it is the fear of failure that paralyzes you.
-- Brian Tracy
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Success in life is not about luck, it is about managed thoughts, focused attention and deliberate action.
-- Anonymous
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