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Christmas, children, is not a date. It is a state of mind.
-- Anonymous
I wish my friends and family a happy valentine’s day. I hope the day brings much cherished moments you have spent with your loved ones for a superb celebration.
-- Anonymous
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I’ve fallen many times… always with you
-- Anonymous
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Instead of being a time of unusual behavior, Christmas is perhaps the only time in the year when people can obey their natural impulses and express their true sentiments without feeling self-conscious and, perhaps, foolish. Christmas, in short, is about the only chance a man has to be himself.
-- Anonymous
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The only thing you need to worry about is where you’re going to buy your sweaters after the circus pulls out of town.
-- Anonymous
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I want to congratulate all happy couples on Valentine’s Day and wish that every year your feelings for each other become only stronger. Cherish your love, because it’s the most precious thing in everyone’s life!
-- Anonymous
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