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Obviously, it won’t work if you don’t even try it in the first place. If you are worrying right now, stop it. Go to the first five minutes and analyze what has caused your present worry. You might be triggered out by something. Practice the 5-minute daily habit and see if it helps you to be happy every day. It has worked for me. So it should most definitely work for you too.
-- Anonymous
Power means happiness; power means hard work and sacrifice.
-- Beyonce Knowles
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You don’t have to be ready to recover; you need only to be willing.
-- Unknown
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If possible, review your goals every day to prevent yourself from indulging on temporary satisfactions. Keep your eye on long term goals.
-- Anonymous
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Simplicity in character, in manners, in style; in all things the supreme excellence is simplicity. – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
-- Ayshu
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The harder you work, the faster you go up the ladder of your destiny.
-- Terry Mark
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