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A successful woman preacher was once asked what special obstacles have you met as a woman in the ministry? Not one, she answered, except the lack of a minister’s wife.
-- Anonymous
I have been struggling with one of my bad habit ‘Binge eating’. If you have a look at my monthly goals, I have been trying to keep myself fit. As part of keeping fit, I want to eat healthy, and have been following good routines for the past two months.
-- Anonymous
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Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
-- Tony Robbins
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When I form any habit, if I track that activity via a excel sheet, I am able to clearly understand what works for me and what doesn’t work. I should come up with good tracking system for every task I do. At present I do this only for writing, exercising and for eating. I want to do tracking for all the other tasks too.
-- Anonymous
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The secret of my success is a two word answer: Know people.
-- Anonymous
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Stop saying tomorrow.. One day there is no tomorrow.
-- Ayshu
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