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We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions, that we’ll screw up royally sometimes – understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.
-- Anonymous
The alarm beeps at 5.00 A.M. You wake up. There begin the first crucial moments. What thoughts you feed your mind will change your life events here after. If you say, oh my god, I can’t wake up now, I am too tired. Then your mind will simply throw the baseless excuses to support your argument. You will simply agree that you are too tired as you were constantly on the run the day before. So you are entitled to sleep for long hours. Your hands switch off the alarm and you doze off.
-- Anonymous
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If you’ve never tried, how will you ever know if there’s any chance?
-- Jack Ma
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Often we fail in a new habit mainly because we over-fill our plate out of enthusiasm. That’s why I couldn’t keep up with my exercise habit. I have been keeping myself busy with so many activities. They all are part of life-long habits that I want to build.
-- Anonymous
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If I’m not a priority when you’re preoccupied, then no, I refuse to be an option when you’re bored.
-- Anonymous
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I have successfully built the exercise habit for the past 90 days. However, I am very inconsistent when it comes to what I eat. I easily indulge in binge eating and end up nullifying the effect I created via exercise. Unless I mind what I eat, I tend to remain the same.
-- Anonymous
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